Timeframe: circa 2016 – 2017
Position: Developer
Technologies: Unity, C#, .NET, MySql
Status: Inactive.
The Story:
After Epic Frontiers had ceased, I had kept returning to the conversational AI tech I’d come up with for the project, and how great it would be to generalize it and make a middleware project out of it. So, around 2016, I got to work.
In a series of blogs still on this site, I detailed my design journey, and some of the stumbling blocks I’d hit as one of the hard problems of AI- language- loomed ahead. Being able to access the data seemed to be the easier part of things, but the dialog templates on which the product relied became insufficient for a generalized product.
But, instead of fully abandoning the project, I’ve spent years falling down rabbit-holes of AI looking for answers to both generative dialog templates, and a data format that can singularly represent the various computing data types (int, float, string, etc) in a way that they can be understood as one type. The latter problem is somewhat solved with the discovery of Sparse Distributed Representations, though generative dialog templates are harder to come by, though LLMs do the job pretty well- for an awful lot of compute and “sameness”. (Instead of a Large Language Model, what Interrogative needs is a Small Grammar Model- a far more flexible, generative mad-lib model!).
If I can solve the dialog template issue, Interrogative will live again- probably renamed, and then generalized even further to then compete with LLMs…