Showing 15 Result(s)
Orbital Arcade

Using a dictionary to build graphs from text

Like a drunk who wakes up in the alleyway after a bender, I’m sitting here typing about some recent months of progress in natural language processing, especially where it concerns using a dictionary to help parse the language. It’s all still related to the Interrogative AI I’ve been working on, …

Orbital Arcade

Evolving the Dialog Template

So, I’m taking a hammer to the current iteration of Dialog Templates for Interrogative… The current iteration turned out to be a good starting point for a much more flexible and resilient system. It’s slower than I’d like, with less flexibility and too many functions needed to make it work. …

Orbital Arcade

Lying and bad memory for your NPCs

People tell lies all of the time… We’ve all told lies. From when you were a little kid trying to avoid punishment to the other day…when you were trying to avoid punishment. Lying is mostly about avoiding something that is harder. Avoiding judgement, punishment, awkward conversations, or more serious confrontations. …

Orbital Arcade

Current works

What have I been up to lately? Working on Interrogative! A lot of the work lately has not been the cool AI stuff, but rather futzing around with the tool and getting other things working for being able to post demos. With current browsers shunning NPAPI plugins, Unity’s web player …

Orbital Arcade

Dialog templates: Localize and customize your NPC dialog

Localization and customization is a big deal… Of all of the feedback I’ve received during GDC when talking about Interrogative, one of the most received was that of being able to localize the dialog generated. That’s a valid concern: Games these days launch in multiple countries at once, or with …

Orbital Arcade

Melting and congealing: My brain on GDC…

I’m Fried from GDC… GDC is always a good time, and it never fails to absolutely liquefy the wrinkly organ between my ears for at least a couple of days afterwards as my neurons rearrange themselves to integrate everything I’ve absorbed. Having Daylight Savings Time occur a day after I …